Will Nevin

Will Nevin loves bourbon and AP style and gets paid to teach one of those things. He is on Twitter far too often.

Indie Triple Play: Snake Eyes: Deadgame, Savage Dragon and Rick & Morty Go to Hell

This week in our roundup of indie comics, Ian Gregory examines The Rob’s latest attempt to shake up a storied franchise, Robert Secundus jumps all the way into the deep end of Savage Dragon, and Will Nevin goes to Hell (or a simulation thereof?) with Rick and Morty. G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes: Deadgame Story/Art: Rob…

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Writer W. Maxwell Prince on Dropping Cameron Stewart, His ‘Ice Cream Man’ Plans and Remaking the World

Writer W. Maxwell Prince — the man behind the scripts behind the surreal “Ice Cream Man” anthology series at Image Comics and the similarly weird “King of Nowhere” at BOOM Studios — is reclusive…ish. He escaped Twitter (genius), and he gets his comic book industry news, he says, from friends — like when one told…

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Image’s ‘The Goddamned: The Virgin Brides’ a hard sell and a harder read

The Goddamned: The Virgin Brides #1 Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: r.m. Guera, Colorist: Giulia Brusco, Letterer: Jared K. Fletcher, Publisher: Image Content warning: The following review of “The Goddamned: Virgin Brides” contains discussion of child sexual abuse.  Animal sacrifice. Blood drinking. Child sexual abuse. The McMartin Preschool case — a criminal trial that consumed Manhattan…

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