Zachary Jenkins

Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.

Robots, Teens, and Other Soul-Sucking Monsters this Week in Marvel Minutiae!

Hello friends and readers and welcome to another week of Marvel Minutiae. We have a true hodge-podge this week as newcomer Ian Gregory looks into 2020 Machine Man while our two esteemed editors Chris and Zack dig into returning favorites Valkyrie: Jane Foster and Runaways! 2020 Machine Man  #1 I’m an X-Men fan, which means…

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Spiders, Cats, and Space Cowboys? It’s a Savage Week on Marvel Minutiae!

Friends and readers, we have a brand-new week of comics, and with that comes Marvel Minutiae—the column where our Marvel Files writers bring you some bite-sized thoughts on some of this week’s Marvel Releases. This week the boss steps down from his office as Zack Jenkins talks Black Cat and Savage Avengers (kind of). Plus,…

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