Battle Of The Atom: Jack Kirby Cable
So cool a Cable. I thought you would enjoy it. Ding dong! Cable #155-#159 (Past Fears) Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix Cable #64 (Twas The Night Before Dying)
So cool a Cable. I thought you would enjoy it. Ding dong! Cable #155-#159 (Past Fears) Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix Cable #64 (Twas The Night Before Dying)
We’re all acutely aware of the rise of Marvel as a brand over the past dozen years, powered by the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the company’s acquisition by Disney. However, growing in parallel with the superhero film industry has been the hobby board game one. With over 4000 games published in 2019,…
Hello friends and readers and welcome to another week of Marvel Minutiae. We have a true hodge-podge this week as newcomer Ian Gregory looks into 2020 Machine Man while our two esteemed editors Chris and Zack dig into returning favorites Valkyrie: Jane Foster and Runaways! 2020 Machine Man #1 I’m an X-Men fan, which means…
Everything is Empyre, even if we don’t want it to be. Luckily, the X-Office has decided to tie into things by giving up the content we crave from the creators we love. EMPYRE: X-MEN #1 & #2 (of 4) were announced today with a crew that should be familiar to the Dawn of X faithful….
Ryan is currently a Senior completing a degree in Media and Cinema Studies at the University of DePaul, which unfortunately does not rest on top of a living island. In 2014, Wolverine died. The character, I mean. The moniker and title of Wolverine was readily stripped off Logan’s adamantium-coated corpse and taken on by a…
Dan & Jake from Supersons join us on this one as we smash through the Source Wall and talk about some of those Detective Comics Comics. Ranked This Episode The Uncanny X-Men And The New Teen Titans The Legend Of The Darkclaw X-Patrol
As revealed on AiPT, the last issue of the GIANT-SIZE X-MEN series will feature the goddess herself, Storm. Unable to be contained to a single comic, Russel Dauterman will rejoin Jonathan Hickman for a one-shot all about Storm. What Hickman was too scared to answer is just how large these X-Men are. We will have…
We at Xavier Files are bringing you the first image of Woo Dae Shim’s variant cover for Hellions #1. This is an exclusive and everyone needs to know where it came from so we put a watermark on it. Man, wouldn’t it be annoying if we actually did that? Here’s the real one. We love…
Iceman often gets a frosty reception from his parents. They just really need to chill out. A third ice-pun. Ranked This Episode: Iceman vol 3 #1-5 (Thawing Out) Iceman vol 1 All-New X-Men vol 2 #17 (IvX)
There are a bunch of announcements, and I don’t have much time, so I am just going to blast on through them. FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2020: X-MEN We have a sexy new cover for FCBD 2020: X-MEN from House Of X artist Pepe Larraz. He and Jonathan Hickman will write a tale that will…
As revealed over at The A.V. Club, the fourth entry in the Giant-Size X-Men series has been revealed and, boy it’s a doozy. Jonathan Hickman and his New Mutants partner Rod Reis are writing a One-Shot about Charlie Cluster-7 himself in GIANT-SIZE X-MEN: FANTOMEX #1 Last we saw Fantomex, Charles Xavier took over his body…
Friends and readers, we have a brand-new week of comics, and with that comes Marvel Minutiae—the column where our Marvel Files writers bring you some bite-sized thoughts on some of this week’s Marvel Releases. This week the boss steps down from his office as Zack Jenkins talks Black Cat and Savage Avengers (kind of). Plus,…
Adam is back, but oh no! We got in a fight over a comic. Hope we can repair this podcast and there is no bad blood. Ranked this episode: Gambit vol 5 9-#12 (Tombstone Blues) X-Men Legacy 248-249 (Age Of X Aftermath) Mr & Mrs X #1-5 (Love & Rogue)
Alex Goldman from the show Reply All and I had a chance meeting on Twitter where we bonded over that good goo boy, Glob Herman. We decided to do a podcast about it. Ranked this episode: Spider-Man & The X-Men #4-5 X-Men Black: Mojo #1 Age Of X-Man: NextGen
Friends and readers, we have a brand-new week of comics, and with that comes Marvel Minutiae—the column where our Marvel Files writers bring you some bite-sized thoughts on some of this week’s Marvel Releases. This week Tony Thornley talks Spider-Man and clickbait while Zack Jenkins is here with some discussion of symbiote boys! Amazing Spider-Man…