Donā€™t Recast Tā€™Challa

It began with the sound of drums in the distance; a steady dumdum dum, dumdum dum, signaling an imminent arrival. That dumdum dum soon gave yield to more structured sounds: of bass drums, of brass instruments, of feet moving in unison. I heard horns, blaring; voices, wailing; tambourine taps keeping sonic pace with distant police…

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The Multiverse According to ComicsXF!

With the looming release of Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness serving as the latest entry in pop cultureā€™s recent obsession with multiverses and realities alternate, parallel and multiple, we asked our ComicsXF writers to share their thoughts about their favorite alternate reality from across the wide multiverse of stories!  Earth-1610: The Ultimate Universe…

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JLA/Avengers Then and Now

The following first appeared in the ComicsXF newsletter. You can get early access to editorials like this, a roundup of the weekā€™s best content and our weekly Staff Picks by subscribing right here. The fall of 2002 was an interesting time for me as far as pop culture. Like many young men my age from Utah,…

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