S.W.O.R.D. Returns to Orbit, a Haunted House Walks and More Staff Picks for 12/9

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Forrest’s Pick S.W.O.R.D. #1: Mutants! In! Spaaaaaaaaace! Krakoa gets its own Space Force in once and future SWORD Director Abigail Brand, frequent space-dwelling mutant leader Magneto, former Acolytes Fabian Cortez and Frenzy, current Galadorian…

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Just in Time for the End of the Series, a Primer on BOOM Studios’ Lumberjanes

This week marks the end of a series I’ve been following since its inception six years ago: Lumberjanes from BOOM Studios. This charming all-ages series, created by Grace Ellis and Shannon Watters, explores friendship, various camp skills, romance and a forest full of mythical creatures, interdimensional portals and magic. So it’s not exactly like any…

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Why, Will: The Cowards of the Country

Everything is bad. And there are a few people to blame. The Splash When I’m good and angry and I want to wreck someone and the facts fit the moment, I reach for something special. It’s not “asshole” (vague, common), nor “bastard” (weak) nor “motherfucker” (got a nice sound to it, but it’s not angry…

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Why, Will: How Did Donny Do It? ‘Crossover’ and the Magic of Fair Use

Beyond this point lie spoilers for “Crossover” #1. Ye be warned… The Splash “Crossover,” the meta comic-book-about-comic-books from the mind of writer Donny Cates and artist Geoff Shaw, has a heap of stuff to talk about — the merits of which have already been ably discussed by Big Boss Zack and Dan “the Man” McMahon….

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More Swords, More Zords and Parental Horrors Await in This Week’s Staff Picks

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Vishal’s Pick Marauders #15: When we last left our favorite mutants, they’d had a lovely dinner getting to know their Arakkan counterparts, until Wolverine ruined it by [redacted] Saturnyne. Find out what happens next…

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Swords Keep a-Stabbin’, New Donny Cates and More Staff Picks for Nov. 4

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Chris’ Pick X-Men #14: Presumably we get more Apocalypse: Mutantdom’s first Wife Guy in this “X of Swords” tie-in by writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Mahmud Asrar. ($3.99) Previously, in “X-Men” … Zack’s Pick…

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