How Marvel’s Pandemic Publishing Plan Disproportionately Punished Minority Writers

On March 23, Diamond Comic Distributors halted shipment to comic shops as a response to the mass shutdown stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the circumstances, this was unavoidable.  However, much has been written about the systemic problems within the comics industry that led to the monopoly Diamond held. This shutdown, and the resulting retooling…

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Sunday Editorial: With Scholastic Move, Marvel Finally Figures Out Youth Market

You’ve no doubt heard this complaint from people who Talk About Comics: “Why is comics’ biggest publisher farming out all its all-ages books to another company? Doesn’t it know the kids’ graphic novel market is a goldmine?” We’ve made that observation over and over and over again. Welp, Marvel’s apparently licensed its characters out to another publisher for more young-reader content….

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Reconciling with Otto

A Look at the Finale of Superior Spider-Man (2019) Twilight will come for the gods, and the status quo will be reset; Batman will be young again, Spider-Man will become unmarried, and everything begins anew.  The idea of this Ragnarok for these characters is divisive for many.  Conceptually, losing out on years of progress and…

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