The ‘Hope’ in Second Coming: Only Begotten Son: Mark Russell and Richard Pace on Their New Volume

“People don’t believe in God,” says Jesus Christ in Second Coming #1, “so much as they hope for a witness to their suffering.” Thus began a series from writer Mark Russell and artist Richard Pace that surprised readers and critics alike. Far from the blasphemous screed the Fox News crowd assumed it would be before…

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Alex Paknadel on Redfork, the Systemic Problems of Appalachia, Misery Tourism and Writing for the TKO Format

Redfork is a six-issue miniseries/six-part graphic novel by writer Alex Paknadel, artist Nil Vendrell, colorist Giulia Brusco and letterer Ryan Ferrier. It follows Noah as he leaves prison and returns to his Appalachian hometown, where he discovers sinister forces both without and deeply within that community. It is available now from TKO Studios. This interview…

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Ed Brisson Returns to Crime Comics with ‘Catch & Release: A Murder Book Story’ on Kickstarter

Ed Brisson has done a lot of notable work for Marvel the past couple years, including a well-received run on “Ghost Rider,” co-writing “X-Men: Disassembled” with Kelly Thompson and Matthew Rosenberg, co-writing “New Mutants” with Jonathan Hickman and a one-page story in an X-Men Christmas special that made Glob Herman everyone’s favorite good globby boy. …

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Kat Calamia talks about her teen-superhero Kickstarter ‘Like Father, Like Daughter’

Some kids think of their parents as superheroes; usually that’s a good thing. But when it turns out your dad has superpowers and ditches your family to become the one superhero in the world, well, the reality doesn’t quite live up to the fantasy.  “Like Father, Like Daughter” — by writer Kat Calamia, artist Wayne…

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‘I Didn’t Expect a Series Involving a Pandemic to Actually Be Interrupted by a Pandemic’: Mark Russell on ‘Billionaire Island’ & More

Mark Russell and Steve Pugh’s AHOY Comics series “Billionaire Island” arrived in early March as an uneasy world watched what would soon be declared a pandemic spread across the globe and collectively tugged on its collar and made a big cartoon gulping sound. Suddenly, the idea of the world’s billionaires moving to a floating island…

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Inside the Happy Lovecraftian Nightmares of ‘Ash & Thorn’ with Artist Soo Lee

When AHOY’s “Ash & Thorn” launched in June, it disrupted the patriarchy’s hold on both content and the publisher’s creative teams, as silver-haired heroine Lottie Thorn beat back the boys’ club of titles such as “High Heaven,” “Second Coming” and “Planet of the Nerds” with writer Mariah McCourt and artist Soo Lee right behind her. …

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Marco Rudy Talks Mozambican Folklore and Using Fantasy to Tell an Addiction Story in ‘RDW’

The latest in our series of profiles of Kickstarters you should check out is “RDW,” a dark fantasy comic from creator Marco Rudy. You may know Rudy’s work from “The Shield” at DC or “Uncanny X-Men” and “Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier” at Marvel. We sat down with Rudy to talk story, inspirations and his…

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INTERVIEW: Attorney Gamal Hennessy on ‘The Business of Independent Comic Book Publishing’

Up-and-coming indie comics creators and start-up publishers need to answer a lot of questions. How much money do I need to publish my comic? How can I work with comic shops to market the comics? How do I select a printer?  Entertainment contracts attorney Gamal Hennessy seeks to answer those questions in The Business of Independent Comic…

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