The transitive property of Erica Schultz in our EXCLUSIVE preview of Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2

Erica Schultz writes Wolverine. Erica Schultz writes Daredevil. Ergo, Erica Schultz writes Wolverine teaming up with Daredevil. Check out our exclusive preview of Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2, out next week, and keep scrolling for the basic deets. And for our review of issue #1, click here. (W) Erica Schultz (A) Belviso, Giada (CA) Elena Casagrande…

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The Uncanny Experience to celebrate 25 years of X-Men: Evolution this summer

The Uncanny Experience, Minneapolis’ X-Men fan convention and immersive experience, recently announced a new batch of guests for its third show this summer, along with its theme: a celebration of X-Men Evolution. For the previous two shows, The Uncanny Experience drew heavily on fan affection for X-Men: The Animated Series (and its surprisingly good follow-up,…

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