Indie Triple Play: Snake Eyes: Deadgame, Savage Dragon and Rick & Morty Go to Hell

This week in our roundup of indie comics, Ian Gregory examines The Rob’s latest attempt to shake up a storied franchise, Robert Secundus jumps all the way into the deep end of Savage Dragon, and Will Nevin goes to Hell (or a simulation thereof?) with Rick and Morty. G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes: Deadgame Story/Art: Rob…

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Larry Hama Returns To His Most Underrated Creations As Albert & Elsie-Dee Star In 2020 iWolverine #1

Claws come out as Larry Hama returns to writing Albert, the robot Wolverine, in a rip roaring adventure on Madripoor that officially ties into Iron Man 2020 but really couldn’t care less. Roland Boschi and Andres Mossa draw the first part of this duo of issues. Vishal Gullapalli: Iron Man 2020’s in full swing, and…

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How Marvel’s Pandemic Publishing Plan Disproportionately Punished Minority Writers

On March 23, Diamond Comic Distributors halted shipment to comic shops as a response to the mass shutdown stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the circumstances, this was unavoidable.  However, much has been written about the systemic problems within the comics industry that led to the monopoly Diamond held. This shutdown, and the resulting retooling…

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Sunday Editorial: With Scholastic Move, Marvel Finally Figures Out Youth Market

You’ve no doubt heard this complaint from people who Talk About Comics: “Why is comics’ biggest publisher farming out all its all-ages books to another company? Doesn’t it know the kids’ graphic novel market is a goldmine?” We’ve made that observation over and over and over again. Welp, Marvel’s apparently licensed its characters out to another publisher for more young-reader content….

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