Harren’s Ultramega a More than OK Exploration of the Tokusatsu Genre

A cosmic plague has spread, transforming everyday people into violent, monstrous kaiju. Only the Ultramega, three individuals imbued with incredible powers, hold the line against this madness. Their battles level cities and leave untold horror in their wake. Now, the final reckoning approaches for the Ultramega, but is this a war they can even win?…

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Department of Truth Continues Stupefyingly Good Run with #6

What if it was actually the year 1724? Wouldn’t that be something? Vishal Gullapalli, Forrest Hollingsworth and Will Nevin team up to talk over Department of Truth #6 by James Tynion IV, Elsa Charretier, Matt Hollingsworth, Aditya Bidikar, Dylan Todd and Steve Foxe. Will Nevin: Well that was a hell of a final page, wasn’t…

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