Joshua Williamson Rides off into the Sunset (to Dark Crisis) in BatChat (Text Edition)

Joshua Williamson’s caretaker stint on Batman ends as the Dark Knight returns to Badhnisia in Batman #124, written by Joshua Williamson, drawn by Howard Porter and Jorge Fornes, colored by Tomeu Morey and lettered by Clayton Cowles. In the backup, Poison Ivy deals with the fallout of “Fear State” in a story that leads into…

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Star Wars #24 Banner

Star Wars #24 Concludes a Chapter of Princess Leia’s Story

Princess Leia and Commander Zahra come face-to-face for their final battle in Star Wars #24, written by Charles Soule, art by Ramon Rosanas and Madibek Musabekov, colored by Rachelle Rosenberg and lettered by Clayton Cowles.  As both the climax to the Commander Zahra/Tarkin’s Will/“reassemble the Rebel fleet” story arc and the series’ second year since…

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Sean Gordon Murphy Sure Keeps Making Choices in Beyond the White Knight in BatChat (Text)

Bruce Wayne has escaped prison, and is preparing to take down Derek Powers and find Harley’s missing daughter, while Powers sends Terry McGinnis to take him out in Batman: Beyond the White Knight #3, written and drawn by Sean Murphy, colored by Dave Stewart and lettered by AndWorld Design.  The murderer of Ra’s al Ghul…

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Action Comics 1042 Banner

Jon Kent Stands up to Batman and Clark Faces Warworld in this Month’s SuperChat

As Superman leads a revolution on Warworld, something deep beneath the planet rumbles — and we find that this conflict with Mongul is a lot bigger than anyone imagined in Action Comics #1042 and #1043, written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, drawn by Ricardo Frederici and Will Conrad, colored by Lee Loughridge, and lettered by Dave…

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Things Are Getting Messier Than a Faceful of Poutine for Easton and Emily in Newburn

Easton and Emily face down the mob and a trap. And the cops 
 kinda help? 
 in Newburn #7, written by Chip Zdarsky and drawn by Jacob Phillips, with “Spook-a-Rama” backup written by Casey Gilly, drawn by Soo Lee and lettered by Toben Racicot. Published by Image. Whether you only “hate” this place or…

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