Will Nevin

Will Nevin loves bourbon and AP style and gets paid to teach one of those things. He is on Twitter far too often.

Happiness Is a Warm Glass of Nice Bourbon: AHOY’s ‘Happy Hour’ and the Right to be Miserable

Happy Hour #1 Writer: Peter Milligan, Artist: Michael Montenat, Colorist: Felipe Sobreiro, Letterer: Rob Steen, Publisher: AHOY It’s 12:48 a.m. Central Standard Time. I am watching what seems to be my 86th consecutive hour of MSNBC (because it is a Rick Santorum-free zone), but all I really want is to go to bed. Well, that’s…

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Inside the Happy Lovecraftian Nightmares of ‘Ash & Thorn’ with Artist Soo Lee

When AHOY’s “Ash & Thorn” launched in June, it disrupted the patriarchy’s hold on both content and the publisher’s creative teams, as silver-haired heroine Lottie Thorn beat back the boys’ club of titles such as “High Heaven,” “Second Coming” and “Planet of the Nerds” with writer Mariah McCourt and artist Soo Lee right behind her. …

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Why, Will: Casting an All-Mutant SNL (You’ll Never Guess Who’s Chevy)

Stop booking terrible, stupid finishes, Vince. The ‘Rasslin’ Report: Your ‘Rasslin’ Dictionary  When you know your babyfaces (good guys) from your heels (bad guys), you can impress the smarks (the “smart mark” internet fans). fuck finish (noun): a contrived finish that serves only as a workaround for bookers and fails to answer the kayfabe question…

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Why, Will: Hi, I’m Will. I’m a Mark for Colorized ‘Walking Dead.’

You got me, Robert Kirkman. The Splash There is something so unabashedly commercial in re-releasing “The Walking Dead” in color that I can’t help but like it. Tellin’ fans it won’t be collected and makin’ ’em snap up those floppies? For a series that’s already made dump trucks of television and licensing* money? It’s so…

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Review: Vault’s ‘The Autumnal’ Pretty to Look at, but Writing Burs Abound

The Autumnal #1 Writer: Daniel Kraus, Artist: Chris Shehan, Colorist: Jason Wordie, Letterer: Jim Campbell, Publisher: Vault Writers — all of whom loathe the process of editing — have plenty of advice for getting through the ordeal. British writer Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch wrote in 1916 that scribes should “[m]urder your darlings,” meaning that those funny…

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Indie Double Play: Reviews of the Mueller Report Graphic Novel and Chuck Austen’s ‘Edgeworld’ #1

They can’t all be winners. Find out why Will Nevin’s not mad, just disappointed in IDW’s Mueller Report Graphic Novel, and why Robert Secundus shrugged at the first issue of the comiXology original series Edgeworld. The Mueller Report Graphic Novel Written by Steve Duin and Shannon Wheeler, Illustrated by Shannon Wheeler, Published by IDW Gary,…

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