Will Nevin

Will Nevin loves bourbon and AP style and gets paid to teach one of those things. He is on Twitter far too often.

A Mixed Black & White Bag and an Underwhelming Issue of Detective in This Week’s Bat Chat

Will Nevin: One week, I think we’ll hit on a book that we both like, that we can both praise and feel good about. This ain’t that week.   Matt Lazorwitz: This is a very … meh week. “Detective” was inoffensive water treading, and “Black and White” was hit or miss, as most anthologies are. Detective…

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The Phantasm Arrives in Canon as Batman/Catwoman #1 Washes the Taste of Batman #104 out of Our Bat Chatters’ Mouths

Will Nevin: This is a heckuva week, but for mostly the wrong reasons — because while Bat/Cat #1 (I can’t believe Tom King resisted his urge to go there again) was overwhelmingly fine, Batman #104 is — and I say this with as little hyperbole as possible — an embarrassing look at when a comic…

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A Bonus Bat Chat Catches Up on ‘Detective Comics’ and ‘White Knight Presents Harley Quinn’

Detective Comics #1,031 Welcome to a special holiday week Bat Chat! The Mirror inserts himself into Gotham’s mayoral race as he continues his anti-vigilante crusade, Damian makes a move to prove he’s smarter than Batman, and a Bat rogue makes his return in “Detective Comics” #1,031 from Peter J. Tomasi, Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes and…

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Why, Will: The Cowards of the Country

Everything is bad. And there are a few people to blame. The Splash When I’m good and angry and I want to wreck someone and the facts fit the moment, I reach for something special. It’s not “asshole” (vague, common), nor “bastard” (weak) nor “motherfucker” (got a nice sound to it, but it’s not angry…

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Why, Will: How Did Donny Do It? ‘Crossover’ and the Magic of Fair Use

Beyond this point lie spoilers for “Crossover” #1. Ye be warned… The Splash “Crossover,” the meta comic-book-about-comic-books from the mind of writer Donny Cates and artist Geoff Shaw, has a heap of stuff to talk about — the merits of which have already been ably discussed by Big Boss Zack and Dan “the Man” McMahon….

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ADVANCE REVIEW: AfterShock’s ‘Miskatonic’ #1 Pokes at Lovecraft While Playing with Noir

In its solicit text, AfterShock’s “Miskatonic” promises “a mix of historical crime fiction and Lovecraftian horror that dives deep into the American nightmare.” Let’s get into the new series from Mark Sable, Giorgio Pontrelli, Pippa Bowland and Thomas Mauer and see if it pays off those dark and abominable promises.

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Happiness Is a Warm Glass of Nice Bourbon: AHOY’s ‘Happy Hour’ and the Right to be Miserable

Happy Hour #1 Writer: Peter Milligan, Artist: Michael Montenat, Colorist: Felipe Sobreiro, Letterer: Rob Steen, Publisher: AHOY It’s 12:48 a.m. Central Standard Time. I am watching what seems to be my 86th consecutive hour of MSNBC (because it is a Rick Santorum-free zone), but all I really want is to go to bed. Well, that’s…

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Is Ghost-Maker Cool? Find out in Our Latest Bat Chat with Matt (and Will!)

Welcome back to Bat Chat with Matt (and Will!). Batman has gone back to basics, and is hunting down leftover Joker thugs when a mysterious new foe with a connection to Batman’s past appears. It’s “Batman” #102 from James Tynion IV, Carlo Pagulayan, Danny Miki, Carlos D’Anda and David Baron. Matt Lazorwitz: This issue is…

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Inside the Happy Lovecraftian Nightmares of ‘Ash & Thorn’ with Artist Soo Lee

When AHOY’s “Ash & Thorn” launched in June, it disrupted the patriarchy’s hold on both content and the publisher’s creative teams, as silver-haired heroine Lottie Thorn beat back the boys’ club of titles such as “High Heaven,” “Second Coming” and “Planet of the Nerds” with writer Mariah McCourt and artist Soo Lee right behind her. …

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Why, Will: Casting an All-Mutant SNL (You’ll Never Guess Who’s Chevy)

Stop booking terrible, stupid finishes, Vince. The ‘Rasslin’ Report: Your ‘Rasslin’ Dictionary  When you know your babyfaces (good guys) from your heels (bad guys), you can impress the smarks (the “smart mark” internet fans). fuck finish (noun): a contrived finish that serves only as a workaround for bookers and fails to answer the kayfabe question…

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